Longing for the days of Mario Kart 64, The Ocarina of Time, and King of Pro Baseball? If you're feeling nostalgia for the Nintendo 64 games of old, watch this video and learn how to download and play N64 games on your PC.
Miss those classic N64 titles? Don't get mad that your mom sold your console at her last yard sale, be glad that all you have to do is watch this video to learn how to download a Nintendo 64 emulator to your PC.
If you've already beaten Castlevania 64 using Carrie Fernandez, then it's time to try out Reinhardt Schneider. This video walkthrough series will show you in 21 parts how to defeat Castlevania for the Nintendo 64, the first 3D game in the Castlevania series. Reinhardt is the whip-wielding heir to the famous Belmont Clan, and it's up to him to defeat Count Dracula! Watch the whole video series for all the vampire hunting action!
This is the first 3D game from the Castlevania series, and it's solely for the Nintendo 64! This 18-part walkthrough series will cover everything involved in beaten Castlevania 64 using the Carrie Fernandez character. She's a young orphan gifted with dangerous magic powers on a vampire hunting mission to stop Count Dracula's impeding return to power. Watch and learn! Then try out defeating the game using Reinhardt Schneider.
This is a massive 14-part video walkthrough of GoldenEye 007 on the Nintendo 64 video game console, showing you all of the different cheat modes and how best to use them. Cychreus provides all of these elaborate cheat walkthroughs for the video game based of the 1995 James Bond film, "GoldenEye".
Systm is the Do It Yourself show designed for the common geek who wants to quickly and easily learn how to dive into the latest and hottest tech projects. We will help you avoid pitfalls and get your project up and running fast.
In this video you will learn to properly clean a Nintendo 64 game. This can be helpful if you are thinking of throwing any of those old games away. A Nintendo 64 is one of the first systems, and has very large games which break easily.